TechInPacific – PNG Fishing Tackle has launched its e-commerce shop geared towards beginner and experts, as well as in family hangouts and sustenance fishing.
The brand started back in 2017 as a passion project and has since grown steady customers with its approach to the potential purchaser.
According to National Sales and Marketing Manager Ketsin Robert, PNG Tackle has been providing high-quality equipment and extras for both freshwater and saltwater use, to the beginner and old-timer alike.
Today its Facebook community has gained 30,000 passionate customers, and the availability of online payment thanks to BSP (Bank of South Pacific Ltd) and VERGE support on setting up the system makes it convenient for both the locals and overseas customers to engage in the transaction.
“We strongly encourage all SMEs and larger organizations to get on board. While fairly new in PNG, online payments integration may seem daunting and hard to know where to begin. We have been fortunate to work hand in hand with the highly dedicated, professional Port Moresby-based team at VERGE, one of PNG’s most reputable digital design agencies and backed by the incredibly supportive Shane Koal and the team at BSP”, said Ketsin.
Ketsin also added that the online payment isn’t just there for revenue, but also the improved customer experience. He also went to say, “Internationally, online payment options are a standard expectation especially for customer convenience – why should our community be left behind?”
“We are happy and excited to see BSP’s online payment portal for SME’s roll out over the coming months and grateful to be part of this process.

PNG Tackle can be visited on its website. The e-commerce offers a wide range of products, such as lures, reels, rod and reels combos, lines, and accessories. Visitors can also get inquiries from its in-built chat messenger.