
New Caledonia Digital Committee Seeks To Foster Tech Growth

TechInPacific – A newly formed committee in Caillou seeks to transform the dynamic of government and digital sector to an aligned organization, supervising, and boosting. It comes from the hands of two governmental members, Vaimu’a Muliava and Chistoper Gygès.

According to Gygès, who is in charge of the digital economy, the committee can meet the expectations of the tech player. “The government wishes to actively take part in the development of the digital economy. We want the work carried out by the different actors to be in line with the Digital Economy Strategic Plan in the short term,” Gygès said.

For Muliava, who is in charge of digital transformation, he wishes to achieve a balanced representation of both the public and private sectors. “In particular, with elected officials from communities, the two mayors associations as well as players in the digital ecosystem. Public-private partnerships are key to the development of the digital economy.”

The Digital steering committee discussed the issue of bureaucracy and its administrative services that can be tedious and that the concerns result in forty tasks to tackle that.

As the partnership is the key component to achieve the transformation, the committee also creates a project called Totem Place that fosters a medium for all tech players. This way, synergy, and partnership can then gained within the medium. Thus, this will not only showcasing the player’s skills, but also the Caledonian digital sector.

source: newcaledonia business

This committee received assistance from the Technology and Information Services Department. Four permanent members represent the digital ecosystem, from the digital observatory, the French Tech Nouvelle- Calédonie, the digital union, to the digital cluster Open NC. The communities are also represented by the three provinces and two mayors associations. The fifth member is included in the committee according to the discussed topic within the agenda.


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