
PNG’s DIRD Readies ‘Bilum’ Digital Platform Launch

In a significant move toward enhancing good governance through digital innovation, the Department of Implementation and Rural Development (DIRD) is actively preparing to launch the ‘Bilum’ Digital Platform.

This initiative includes organizing a Sub-National Stakeholder Consultation to create awareness and lay the groundwork for the upcoming ‘Bilum rollout.

The consultation is focused on achieving several key objectives:

Stakeholder Understanding and Buy-In:  The foremost goal is to boost stakeholder understanding and garner their support for the DIRD Bilum Platform. By outlining the platform’s benefits, functionalities, and potential impacts, the DIRD seeks to gain the backing of these crucial stakeholders, which is vital for the project’s success.

Feedback and Input:  This process is essential to gathering valuable feedback and input from stakeholders. This input is expected to shed light on potential hurdles, offer suggestions for enhancements, and highlight new opportunities. The DIRD plans to utilize this feedback to refine and improve the platform, making it more user-friendly.

Increased Awareness : Another important objective is to elevate awareness about the DIRD Bilum Platform among relevant groups. The aim is to foster early adoption, spark interest, and create a supportive atmosphere for the platform’s effective implementation.

Relationship Strengthening: The consultation aims to develop and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders. This step is critical for ensuring better collaboration, trust, and mutual understanding and is vital for achieving long-term objectives such as government-to-government interfacing, integration, and data sharing. Effective collaboration is seen as a critical driver for e-government.

Risk Mitigation: Involving stakeholders early helps identify and proactively address potential risks, misunderstandings, or conflicts of interest.

As DIRD moves forward with extending the Bilum Platform to 22 provinces and 96 districts, this strategy minimizes project risks and ensures a smoother implementation process.



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