
Enhancing agrifood systems with cutting-edge digital solutions.


The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is actively working to harness the power of science and innovation, with a particular focus on integrating new technologies, especially digital solutions, into its operations.

The solutions have been developed in both the public and private sectors, with a focus on four regional priorities aimed at achieving the Four Betters (Better Production, Better Nutrition, a Better Environment, and a Better Life, ensuring inclusivity for all).

In a statement, Dr. QU Dongyu, Director General of FAO, stressed the importance of transforming the agrifood systems in the Asia-Pacific region. He emphasized the need for greater efficiency, inclusivity, resilience, and sustainability, with a focus on making healthy diets more affordable.

He emphasized the critical importance of boosting agricultural production for food and nutrient security, stressing the need for climate-friendly methods.

In pursuit of this goal, we are committed to assisting nations in strengthening their climate adaptation and resilience efforts, promoting low-carbon agriculture, modernizing seed systems, implementing integrated farming management, controlling trans-boundary pests and diseases, disseminating good agriculture practices (GAP), and transferring technologies to smallholders and family farmers. Additionally, we are actively advocating for the increased digitalization and mechanization within local communities,” Dr. QU emphasized.

The Director General has emphasized several key priorities, including the urgent need to accelerate sustainable natural resources management for the preservation of biodiversity and to address climate change. Additionally, there is a focus on promoting inclusive rural transformation to foster equitable rural societies, with a strong emphasis on economic growth, job creation, and support for vulnerable populations to reduce inequality, ensuring that no country or person is left behind. These efforts are particularly important in the context of the region’s Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

In pursuit of our priorities, we are accelerating and expanding the delivery of concrete and measurable outcomes on the field by executing the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 and associated strategies.



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