
Innovative Technology Boosts Grass Growth on Mushroom Cultivation Sites in Fiji

The China-Fiji Juncao Technology Demonstration Center reports that over 700 farmers nationwide have taken up mushroom cultivation. Tian Lele, a spokesperson for the Centre, highlighted during the recent World Food Day and National Agricultural Show that the initiative, which began in 2014, is an ongoing collaborative technical effort between the governments of Fiji and China.

Juncao technology, utilized at the center, is instrumental in cultivating grass that significantly contributes to a productive cycle involving mushrooms, animals, and plants

According to Ms. Tian, the project’s team is a consistent presence at the annual agriculture show.

The cultivation of this grass for agricultural and livestock purposes in Fiji has yielded substantial advantages for consumers.

Engaging with the institute in this initiative are two commercial agricultural businesses, namely the Navuso Agriculture Technical Institute and Votualevu College.

Ms. Tian highlighted the challenges that farmers encounter in mushroom cultivation. However, the institute has developed solutions to address these issues. One such solution involves growing mushrooms in shaded areas as opposed to open spaces.

The selling price for these mushrooms ranges from $15 to $25 per kilogram.


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